Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

8 Record(s) Found in our database

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1. Record Number: 42917
Author(s): Magidow, Melanie,
Title : Epic of the Commander Dhat al-Himma
Source: Melanie Magidow, translator   Edited by Melanie Magidow Medieval Feminist Forum , 54., 3 ( 2018):  Pages 1 - 62. Available open access from the Medieval Feminist Forum journal website: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2151&context=mff
Year of Publication: 2018.

2. Record Number: 8080
Author(s): Drake, Graham N.
Title : Not Safe Even in Their Own Castles: Reading Domestic Violence Against Children in Four Middle English Romances [The author argues that the physical abuse, danger in homes, abusive foster guardians, and forced marriages experienced by the children in these romances served to evoke pathos. Readers among the gentry and urban middle class were anxious about violence and insecurity but in these romances the children usually triumphed over extreme difficulties with a happy ending. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts.   Edited by Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price .   University Press of Florida, 2002. Medieval Feminist Forum , 54., 3 ( 2018):  Pages 139 - 163.
Year of Publication: 2002.

3. Record Number: 3913
Title : Boys Will Be... What? Gender, Sexuality, and Childhood in "Floire et Blancheflor" and "Floris et Lyriope" [The author argues that in both texts boyish sexuality leads to inappropriate choices, Floris transgresses social hierarchy and Floire calls into question the categories of gender and kinship].
Source: Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9., 1 (Spring 1997):  Pages 39 - 61.
Year of Publication: 1997.

4. Record Number: 2275
Author(s): Tasioulas, J.A.
Title : Between Doctrine and Domesticity: The Portrayal of Mary in the N-Town Plays [argues that the N-Town author sought to emphasize both Mary's purity and humanity in the depiction of her conception and childhood].
Source: Medieval Women in Their Communities.   Edited by Diane Watt .   University of Toronto Press, 1997. Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 9., 1 (Spring 1997):  Pages 222 - 245.
Year of Publication: 1997.

5. Record Number: 6778
Author(s): Cowgill, Jane.
Title : Chaucer's Missing Children ["In the lyrics, the drama, and in Chaucer's religious tales, then, the sufferings of mothers and children are made analogous to those of Mary and Christ. Children are appropriate, even essential, to this genre because, in their relationships to their mothers, they embody one of the central mysteries of the faith. Conversely, the relationships between fathers and suffering children, while presented as significant in the tales of tragedy and morality, hint at but cannot carry the same spiritual valence. Further, to recapitulate my introductory remarks, children are largely absent from the romances and fabliaux because they would be a hindrance to the internal necessities of those forms. Children are depicted in 'The Canterbury Tales' not according to any principles of realism, but according to their appropriateness to particular literary genres." p. 5 of the electronic version available through Project Muse].
Source: Essays in Medieval Studies , 12., ( 1995):  Pages 1 - 5. and 1-2 (notes) [in the electronic version available through Project Muse]. Issue title: Children and the Family in the Middle Ages.
Year of Publication: 1995.

6. Record Number: 1436
Author(s): Finnegan, Robert Emmett.
Title : She Should Have Said No to Walter: Griselda's Promise in "The Clerk's Tale" [emphasis on Griselda's moral responsibility with an analyis of the terms "assenten" and "consenten" and "tempten," "assaien," and "assaillen"].
Source: English Studies , 75., 4 (July 1994):  Pages 303 - 321.
Year of Publication: 1994.

7. Record Number: 10008
Author(s): Ziolkowski, Jan M.
Title : A Fairy Tale from before Fairy Tales: Egbert of Liege’s "De puella a lupellis seruata" and the Medieval Background of "Little Red Riding Hood" [The author analyzes Egbert’s eleventh-century Latin poem as an early analogue to the famous fairy tale about a girl and a wolf. Folklorists differ on the value of medieval texts for their studies, because most see them as too literary to be pure representations of an oral tradition and yet too early to qualify as literary fairy tales. Egbert claims an oral origin to his poem, which appears in a schoolbook for students learning Latin. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Speculum , 67., 3 (July 1992):  Pages 549 - 575.
Year of Publication: 1992.

8. Record Number: 11079
Author(s): Finnegan, Robert Emmett.
Title : The Wife's Dead Child and Friar John: Parallels and Oppositions in the "Summoner's Tale" [The author suggests that the wife's dead child in the "Summoner’s Tale" may be a product of her affair with Friar John, in which case the child serves as a symbol for the Friar's spiritual condition. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 92., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 457 - 462.
Year of Publication: 1991.